Stacey’s Rules for Entertaining

Date: May 8, 2015 » posted by admin » Comments: No Comments Tags: There is no tags

When your job is to throw parties for a living you pick up a few things along the way. Today I want to share with you the top 5 rules I give all my friends and family who ask me how to throw the perfect event.

Don’t sweat the small stuff: More often than not, the little details you find yourself stressing over will not make or break the event. Try to keep things in perspective and focus on the things that really matter. Yes, the details are important, but getting too wrapped up in them will create frustration that is not needed.

Think of your guests from the start: The most important thing to consider when planning a party is the guest. Think about their experience from the moment they step out of their car to the moment they step back into it at the end of the night. Throughout the planning process remind yourself to think of the entire affair through the eyes of your guests. If you do, it will ensure that you create a seamless and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Prepare your guests: Let them in on all the details prior to the event so they can prepare. Do they need to wear a jacket or a shawl for an outdoor cocktail reception? Will the ladies need to wear flats or wedges because the event will be held on grass? Provide them with a time line so they understand when the meal will be served. This way they can plan their prior meals so they don’t come to the event too hungry or too full.

Seating: Be mindful of where you guests will sit if it is a plated meal. We love the idea of placing people near people they may not know that well so everyone has the opportunity to meet new people. We understand that this may not be the best option for every group, but it is a neat way to get guests engaged with people they may have never met with before.

Provide directions prior: The last thing you want to do is be stuck on the phone giving a lost guest directions. If you give everyone directions prior to the event you will be sure that you can spend the time with them. 

We could go on and on with other tips, but the most important thing is to relax and enjoy the company of the people who you are inviting.